Vigna Petrussa S.S.

Press Clipping

Articolo di Travor Langley su Worksop Life - Retford Life - Gainsborough Life

British journalist Trevor Langley reviews our wines in the June edition of British magazines Worksop Life and Retford Life and the July edition of Gainsborough Life magazine 

Città del Vino 2024

GREAT GOLD MEDAL for Picolit 2018 Vigna Petrussa: our top raisin wine wins the highest award at the International Wine Cities Competition 2024.

Article by Travor Langley on Villagermag

The Britisch wine writer Trevor Langley reviews our wines on the English magazine The Villager and Town Life, issue May 2024

Schioppettino and Gambero Rosso

Our 2019 Schioppettino ranked first among regional wines of the same name according to Gambero Rosso: a great satisfaction for those of us who love this local grape variety and interpret it in different types.

Articole by Travor Langley on Ledbury Focus and Newent Focus

Our Friulano, Schioppettino di Prepotto and Perla Nera through the words of the English journalist Trevor Langley: here is the article available in the May 2024 issue of Ledbury Focus and Newent Focus 

Enos Wein & Kultur

4 stars to our white Richenza 2019 and to Ribolla Gialla by Eckhard Supp on the Geman website Enos Wein&Kultur; 3 stars to Refosco p.r. 2018 and Sauvignon 2022


Article by Travor Langley on Southside

Our wines Friulano, Schioppettino di Prepotto and Perla Nera through the words of the English journalist Trevor Langley: here is the article available in the May 2024 issue of Southside magazine 

Review on VINOCIBO

Francesca De Franco reviews our winery and wines on the British website VINOCIBO: "VIGNA PETRUSSA: An All-Female Affair of Love, Passion, Hard Work and Sustainable Winemaking"

Article by Travor Langley on Villagelink

Trevor Langley reviews our wines on the British magazine Villagelink, page 17



The Schioppettino di Prepotto 2018 by Vigna Petrussa has been reviewed on WineNews issue n.294 (gennaio 2024)


Article by Travor Langley on Whittlesea magazine

Trevor Langley reviews our Friulano, Schioppettino di Prepotto and Perla Nera on the British magazine Whittlesea

Cantine d'Italia 2024 by Go Wine

Schioppettino di Prepotto Riserva 2018 by Vigna Petrussa is a Top Wine for the 2024 guide to Italian wines by Go Wine

Slow Wine 2024

The 2024 edition of the wine guide by Slow Wine reviews our Schioppettino di Prepotto 2019 and Refosco p.r. 2018


Vinaria, lthe Austrian magazine of wine culture, mentions Schioppettino and Picolit by Vigna Petrussa in the article by Viktor Siegl:

(...) "Als Höhepunkt in Rot würde ich jedoch den mit satter Waldbeerenfrucht prunkenden Schioppettino von Vigna Petrussa hervorheben, der feingliedrig und pointiert beginnt, dann jedoch Saft und Kraft sowie einen beachtlichen Tanninfonds ausspielt. Vom gleichen Erzeuger stammt der einst legendäre, heute in Vergessenheit geratene Süßwein Picolit aus 2016, der im Bukett einen exotischen Fruchtcocktail realisiert und durch das perfekte Équilibre von Alkohol und Restzucker einen höchst eleganten Dessertweintypus verkörpert".

Messaggero Veneto

The Messaggero Veneto newspaper of 12 October 2023 dedicates an article to our Schioppettino 2019, the only red wine awarded the 3 glasses by Gambero Rosso in Friuli Venezia Giulia

ViniBuoni d'Italia 2024

The Wine Guide ViniBuoni d'Italia 2024 by Touring Club Italiano assigns the 4 Stars to our Ribolla Gialla 2022 and Friulano 2022


The 3 glasses by Gambero Rosso to Schioppettino 2019

Our Schioppettino 2019 Doc Friuli Colli Orientali got the 3 glasses by Gambero Rosso, the highest reward of the 2024 wine guide.

2 glasses to Desiderio 2020, Sauvignon 2022, Perla Nera 2018 and Ribolla Gialla 2022.

26 August 2023

Recensione Cabernet Franc su WineMag

"...vaghe note tostate, di biscotto, orzo e miele. Il palato è un "concentrato di Friuli", per la capacità di richiamare non solo i grandissimi rossi della regione, ma il terroir di Prepotto e i suoli di ponca...": ecco un brano della recensione di Davide Bortone del nostro Cabernet Franc su Punteggio: 93/100

25 July 2023

Vigna Petrussa, wines that taste of terroir

"Discover the Vigna Petrussa wines to get to know the territory. Why was Riesling once cultivated in Friuli and which native wines do we appreciate today?". An interview with Paola Tarocchi of Invitinere to go through the history of our company and our land.

22 July 2023

Interview to VinCanto

'Hilde Petrussa and the strength of three women for wine'

Hilde Petrussa, lady of Schioppettino, tells the story of three women united by an unusual coincidence and a passion for the art of wine making...

Thanks to Paola Tarocchi for her article on Invitinere

10 June 2023

Decanter World Wine Awards 2023

Two silver medals at the Decanter World Wine Awards - DWWA 2023: 94 points to our White Richenza 2019 and to Schioppettino di Prepotto 2019

19 May 2023

VeroVino: A Taste of Northern Italy

Review of our Schioppettino di Prepotto by Nancy on Pull that Cork (USA)


14 April 2023

The Times Weekly di Chicago

Our white wine Friulano 2021 has just been named "wine of the week" by Dwight Casimere on The Times Weekly di Chicago.


3 April 2023

Il Grande Racconto del Vino Italiano

From the hands of Joe Bastianich and Tiziano Gaia comes 'Il Grande Racconto del Vino Italiano' (Mondadori Electa), an enthralling collection of stories that wind their way through our nation's territories, winemakers and wines of excellence. Vigna Petrussa is also part of it and we are proud of it. Here is a short extract:
(...) The best card is played by Prepotto, with Schioppettino. 'It is our identity wine, the reason that convinced me to become a winegrower,' Hilde reflects....
[Available in bookshops and all digital stores]

13 March 2023

TOP 100 by Meininger

Our white wine Richenza has been awarded by Meininger among the TOP 100 Italian wines at ProWein 2023. The dossier has just been published in Weinwirtschaft magazine, the most important wine trade magazine in Germany. Richenza will be among the protagonists of the masterclasses scheduled at the ICE stand (Hall 17_C39/D29) and will be available for tasting by our stand (Hall 15_C71).

Project in collaboration between Meininger and Italian Trade Agency.

15 February 2023

Sakura Japan Women's Wine Awards 2023

Richenza 2019 and Schioppettino di Prepotto Riserva 2018 have been awarded with the gold medal by the Sakura Japan Women's Wine Awards 2023

4 December 2022

Gambero Rosso 2023

Gambero Rosso's guide Vini d'Italia 2023 awarded 2 red glasses to our Bianco Richenza 2019, 2 black glasses to Refosco p.r. 2018, Schioppettino di Prepotto 2019, Schioppettino di Prepotto Riserva 2018, Rosso Rebusson 2018, 1 glass to Friulano 2021 and Ribolla Gialla 2021  

4 December 2022

Slow Wine 2023

Also in the 2023 edition our wines are reviewed in the Slow Wine Guide: mentions to Friulano 2021, Bianco Richenza 2019 and Schioppettino di Prepotto Riserva 2018

30 August 2022

ViniBuoni d'Italia 2023

The ViniBuoni d'Italia 2023 guide rewards our Refosco dal p.r. 2018 with the CORONA, the highest award given to Italian wines of excellence. 

4 stars to Schioppettino di Prepotto Riserva 2018. 3 stars to Schioppettino di Prepotto 2019.

Refosco also wins the CROWN of the public of experts ("Today I decide the crowns")

30 August 2022

The WineHunter Award 2022

Il The WineHunter Award 2022 premia i nostri Refosco p.r. 2018, Schioppettino di Prepotto 2018 e Richenza 2019 con il bollino rosso, pari a in punteggio di 90 - 92,99 punti